Pinawa Set to Have a Floating Waterpark by 2021
Twenty One Ventures who is a Innovate Eastman Start-Up company has been working with Pinawa’s
Economic Development to open up a floating waterpark come 2021! This will help a local start-up
company expand while boosting tourism in one of the most beautiful rural communities.
Tourism and Economic Development have grown immensely over a period of time. Individuals are looking
for ways to grow their businesses as well as come up with attractions that will be sustainable in the long
run. This includes creating more jobs, helping bring more people from all over, and building up
The problem is the tourism sector, which resides in the town of Pinawa. Having attractions that are
developed utilizing the beautiful resources in the heart of Pinawa, will fix this problem. Twenty One
Ventures having their floating waterpark in Pinawa come 2021 will also increase the limited options that
we currently have for activities offered by our current service operators.

Twenty One Ventures started out by discovering a floating waterpark in Western Canada, and Gabriel
Verrier, founder of Twenty One Ventures, could not help but imagine having one on one of Manitoba’s
beautiful lakes. They quickly decided that the Whiteshell Provincial Park would be the best option to place
a floating waterpark as it offers a large amount of deep and clean lakes with serene natural settings and
is also a great distance from Winnipeg.
Twenty One Ventures is a client of Innovate Eastman’s. Innovate Eastman is an incubator that helps
companies develop faster, more affordably and with greater success. Innovate Eastman also has resources to help
entrepreneurs solve issues in real time. The tools offered were critical in helping Gabriel fast track his
dreams, and make them into a reality. Gabriel quoted, “[Innovate Eastman] has been instrumental in helping
us find the right networks to make this business idea into a reality. First with connecting us with the LGD
of Pinawa councillors who have all been incredibly supportive of our project, and second with connecting
us to Community Futures who have been quite receptive in helping us with the appropriate funding to
make this business into a success.”
Currently, Twenty One Ventures has gotten approved with their permit to operate on the Winnipeg River,
however with COVID-19, they will not be able to install the waterpark until 2021. Twenty One Ventures
also has a floating waterpark in Kenora, Ontario and that was the very first location for them. Not only
Twenty One Ventures, but Pinawa is extremely excited to have this as yet another tourist attraction. This
added attraction will bring in more tourists, and also solidify Pinawa’s brand of it being a one stop
destination for all things nature and fun.
For all things Waterpark, please visit .
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